01204 897824


Going The Extra Mile!

Going the Extra Mile!

Did you know that Full Circle IT Solutions also sell new desktop computers, laptops, servers and other equipment? We also dispose of any rubbish too!Normally, when you buy a new computer, you’re left with a lot of rubbish that you don’t really need or want, such as the cardboard box, any polystyrene and protective wrapping, this can be an issue if you don’t have anywhere that you can take the rubbish to.However, we like to go the extra mile and when we deliver a new computer, laptop or any piece of equipment to site, when we leave we take all of the packaging and rubbish with us so that the client doesn’t have to worry about disposing of it.Usually we would then offer the cardboard to any clients who might have told us they are moving office, or recently we have donated some to Estate Agents so they can use them when people are moving house but when we heard about the Charity Sleep out that Bolton Young Person’s Housing Scheme were organising we had to get involved, and we have donated all of our cardboard to the team at BYPHS so they can have a better sleep!

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If you would benefit from some cardboard boxes, please let us know and we can arrange to have some sent to you when we next have some!